Sushiroom delivery
Dragi clienți, restaurantul nostru și-a schimbat locația. Vă puteți bucura în continuare de produsele noastre în incinta Le Manoir Gourmet Market de la One Herastrău Towers, Strada Nicolae G. Caramfil 74A, București.
Dear customers, our restaurant has changed location. You can still enjoy our products at Le Manoir Gourmet Market from One Herastrău Towers, Nicolae G. Caramfil 74A street, Bucharest.
Preparatele noastre sunt produse din materii prime de cea mai bună calitate atent selecționate. Respectăm cu strictețe regulile de igienă, sanitare și sanitar veterinare, conform legislației în vigore. /Our dishes are produced from the best quality raw materials carefully selected. We strictly respect the hygiene, sanitary and sanitary veterinary rules according to the legislation in force
A team dedicated to fine experiences
Welcome to our cozy venue! Chef Wirat Juthamachat will pamper your palates with beautifully crafted rolls and dishes, Maître de Maison Ionuț Apreutesei and his waiting team will help you pair your gastronomical selection with wonderful wines and ensure that your experience is a pleasant one, that is always worth remembering.
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Events and meetings
Turn special occasions into memorable, flavorful events, by choosing the personalized SushiRoom experience. At your office or at your home, if you desire a selection of Asian dishes or a live cooking moment that charms your guests, our team will help you transform each idea into a total success!
The Wine Cellar
Visit our beautiful, controlled-temperature wine cellar and choose the wine you wish to enjoy. It may be a local, Romanian variety or blend, an international, prestigious wine, or an emerging producer, we have just discovered. No matter what you wish to try, our colleagues will assist and advise you, to ensure you get the most out of your SushiRoom experience.